
Economy Block Quilt

So there are definitely benefits of being on “blog hiatus” for a few months……I have tons of projects that I’ve been working on that I haven’t told you about yet!  I got completely caught up in the Economy Block Along craze that took over Instagram back in JENuary.  Did you see it?  Did you get pulled into the vortex too?

I planned on making a mini-quilt but I became so obsessed with fussy cutting center squares and picking the perfect fabrics for the outer squares that it seemed to grow uncontrollably.  And seriously….don’t those little foxes totally remind you of Baxter???  I’m convinced that Baxter needs a monocle, a snazzy, argyle sweater vest and a fedora now!
Quilt squares cut for scrappy economy block quilt
It was one of those projects where I got so into it when I was working on it that I would forget to do trivial things like eat or take the dogs out to potty. I even did the unthinkable and cut into some of my favorite fabrics that I’d been hoarding forever!  I spent many chilly, winter afternoons cutting and sewing all of my pastel squares while watching NetFlix and sipping on the occasional champagne mini.  Pure bliss…..
Pastel, scrappy economy block quilt progress
And before I knew it, it was done!  It never became a neglected Work In Progress that got dropped the second I came up with a new idea.  That’s how much I LOVE this quilt!
My points and quilting are totally wonky and I certainly will never win any awards for precision piecing but who cares?  I’ll just live by the theory that the imperfections give it lots of character!
Pastel, scrappy economy block quilt
And of course, it was promptly claimed by Baxter.  Sweet dreams little buddy!  Enjoy YOUR new quilt!
Blenheim Cavalier King Charles Spaniel on economy block quilt


P.S. – You can find the tutorial for the Economy Block Quilt on Rita’s blog, Red Pepper Quilts.

P.S. #2 – I’m watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on NetFlix.

P.S. #3 – What’s JENuary you ask?  My birthday is in the month formerly known as January.  I have claimed the month as my own and re-named it JENuary as I believe in celebrating my birthday all month long.  Especially, since it was my 40th birthday this year!


  1. I just finished a similar one, and like you it never lingered as a WIP. It's been such fun, all that's left is the quilting to do on mine. Love those pastel shades


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